21 March - 6 April 2025, Olympia Events, London



Sue Spencer

Sue Spencer

Sue from A Life More Organised, is a professional organiser and senior move manager based in Hampshire. She offers one-to-one services to clients across the South of England, guiding them through the process of decluttering and reorganising as they rightsize their homes.


Inspired by the number of clients who say “I wish I’d done this sooner”, Sue encourages busy families and empty nesters to re-evaluate their homes and make small changes that have a big impact. So, if you have bursting wardrobes, overflowing bookcases, or frequently misplace items, Sue is here to guide you through the process of reclaiming your space and time.


Sue trained with Japanese tidying expert Marie Kondo in 2018 and is a Master KonMari Consultant – the equivalent of having a black belt in tidying up!




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